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Local Hub Volunteers

Meet the Local Hubs Volunteers

Andrew Tumilson - Northern Ireland

Andrew describes his motivations for volunteering:

"I received a late life diagnosis of Dyslexia prior to my 33rd birthday. Upon reflection it validated the many challenges I had lived with at school, university and also in employment. I recognise the many challenges people living with dyslexia and neurodiverse conditions have to manage daily. This includes, but is not limited to challenges with reading, writing, grammar, expressive and interpretative communication alongside the additional time factors required for processing or expressing communication. There needs to be much greater awareness across all of society from schools, university, higher education colleges and in every sector of employment surrounding the needs of individuals living with specific learning difficulties. There also needs to be much greater awareness of the real life need for reasonable adjustments for children in school, adults at university and adults in all workplace environments. There is no support for adults post diagnosis and this culture and system needs to change if we are to become a more inclusive society. It is important that this significant level of unmet need for adults living with neurodiverse conditions is addressed by all Governments as a key national priority for global health and wellbeing".

Lynne Powell - South Wales

Lynne explains why she is volunteering:

"I am made by dyslexia and I have a family history of dyslexia that spans across 5 generations. My working background is in nursing and teaching and with a strong desire to know more about dyslexia, I recently qualified in Special Educational Needs (dyslexia).
In the past 10-15 years there has been great development in the understanding and support of dyslexia, however, I found that none of this information was filtering down to people with dyslexia and their families within my local area. Local school were still very resistant to identify and support pupils with dyslexia. I set up the Heads of the Valleys Dyslexia Association in 2020 to raise awareness of dyslexia and give information and advice to those who want to know more.
With the co-operation and support of the British Dyslexia Association, the Heads of the Valleys DA has now been absorbed by the new South Wales Local Dyslexia Hub. I will continue to support the Hub and the BDA in raising awareness and supporting dyslexia in my local community."

Penny Spence - Devon

Penny says about the need for dyslexia support:

"Dyslexia when not recognised leads to unimaginable life trauma for both the dyslexic and those around them. As a Devon volunteer, my aim is to provide the correct help for both the dyslexic and those who provide the support."