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Assistive Technology and the Dyslexic Learner – FREE webinar for parents

Free webinar for parents exploring the use of assistive technology and challenges of supporting your child's education at home.

25th June 2020


British Dyslexia Association are Going Red

British Dyslexia Association are proud to support the Go Red for Dyslexia Campaign.

12th August 2020


Actress and activist, Lauren McCroiste, launches mentoring programme

Actress and activist, Lauren McCrostie discusses her experiences with dyslexia and shares details of her new mentoring programme.

13th August 2020


We need you this Dyslexia Week

We want you to share videos of your experience of living, working or studying with dyslexia for our upcoming Dyslexia Week campaign.

13th August 2020


Reconnecting with my dyslexia

Liam, a PhD student at Queen Mary University of London shares his experience of taking on the challenge of doctoral-level study with dyslexia.

24th August 2020


British Dyslexia Association’s response to the Education Policy Institute Annual Report 2020

The Education Policy Institute’s Annual Report on Education in England has highlighted a growing imbalance in our education system.

26th August 2020


Helen Louise Aitken, 1932 – 2018 

Wiltshire Dyslexia Association (WDA) are sad to announce the passing of Helen Louise Aitken 

11th September 2020


Dyslexia creates an environment of poor mental health

Ollie is an extremely bright budding young journalist. Along with many others across the UK, Ollie’s dyslexia has had an impact on her mental health.

10th October 2020