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My experience at the Dyslexia Show - Amanda Hornby

Tuesday 28 March 2023

With a constant stream of visitors to the British Dyslexia Association stall, our staff had their work cut out to chat with everyone that visited…. Not that it’s a chore, very much the opposite!

Both Friday and Saturday were incredibly busy, answering enquiries about lots of different subjects; from parents whose children have just been diagnosed to teaching staff who wanted to gain accredited qualifications, it was a pleasure to ‘just talk dyslexia’ for two whole days!

The generosity of our visitors was overwhelming too! Donations were made, pin badges purchased, and books were bought! Queues of people waiting to share their experiences with us and ask for our advice, taking our ‘top tips’ cards and browsing our informative publications. There was a real mixed bag of feedback about schools and workplaces, some very supportive, some not so, with people asking how they can get more support or challenge decisions that have been made.

Although it was a tiring two days, it was thrilling to meet so many people who really appreciated the work that is done by the British Dyslexia Association, and who left by saying “thank you so much, that was really helpful”.

“You’re most welcome 😊”

Upcoming Event

Find out more about upcoming Virtual Dyscalculia Conference- The importance of using visual materials in maths learning here: